Well, since you're here, might as well read something, right ? ¬.¬

Is this thing on... ?

Testing !

*cough cough*

Hi ! Hello !
Welcome to Bit~Rant !

I'm Cali and I'll be your host for the most of the posts.
Heh. Didn't see that coming, did you? 
T_T ...I'm sorry, I promise I wont try to rhyme my posts.
God, that was embarrassing.

We here at Bit~Rant will try to provide you with fun stuff for your reading enjoyment!
Game reviews, interesting news, our own views and thoughts on related stuff and much more!

We hope you enjoy your stay here, have fun while reading,
and eventually come back another time!
Which you will....right? D:<

I'll try to keep the level of my posts as professional as possible,
since I'm kinda doing this for the first time ever.
And I'll try to publish 3 posts weekly, but...
Given that I don't have that much time to write,
and inspiration comes along ever so suddenly (like when you're in the bathroom), but I digress.

Also, please dont mind the template this place uses, its a freebie,
and therefore kinda scrubby, but...ehhh, it'll do. For now.  I guess. ¬.¬

The first thing we'll be tackling is a couple of retro games and retro-like games reviews to set the tone of this blog ^_^

Those (might) include:
• DuckTales Remastered
• Rocket Knight
• Volgarr the Viking
• Guacamelee
• Cave Story +

Leave a comment if you'd like, stay tuned, and thank you for visiting us !

1 comment:

  1. Awww yiss :3

    Looking forward to future posts ♥
